Here’s how providing a compelling customer experience and using Net Promoter Score can drive more sales for your agency!
Real estate is one of the most consumer-centric industries out there. Everyone looking for a new home is out to make a life investment which they simply cannot go through with if they do not trust who they are buying from.
Real estate agents have a responsibility just as much as, if not more, than any other business out there, to give their clients the best customer experience possible. If you don’t, then they won’t make this life investment with you. It’s that simple.
But how do you go about creating a customer experience which entices someone to buy from you? Here are some simple tricks that can easily scale engagement.
As I’ve already mentioned, buying a house is a life investment and it’s not one someone will willingly make if they do not trust the person they’re dealing with. Just as any other customer-facing organisation, you need to get on a personal level with the client so they believe fully in the information you are giving them.
The trick here is to find out more about them! Ask where they’ve lived in the past, what sort of homes they prefer, the location they’re after, the size (I could go on). That way you can sell them what they want to buy and not what you want to sell. It may seem obvious, but trying to sell someone a city-centre apartment who has only lived in the rural, off-peak areas is never going to succeed but you’ll only know this if you get to know them personally.
Plus, being this way gives the client the indication that you’re interested in them and that you’re trying to connect on an emotional level – people love it! Once you build upon this you’re setting up a foundation for trust which is exactly what we’re after.
As the person selling the home, you need to be the expert on the home. Otherwise, your clients will figure you out, quickly. Having sound knowledge in your field sounds like a no brainer, yet it’s still essential – being the know it all in what you are selling means you can give advice on what the client wants to hear. This goes back to the personal element, you tell them what you know but only if they want to know it.
Integrity is key as it builds trust but you can only give the right information if you know it yourself, so make sure you always know everything about the house you are selling.
I can’t count how many times I’ve said this, but feedback is so massively important! For any business whether its real estate, retail or anything, hearing from your clients is the most effective tool for improvement.
If someone in the past has bought from you, great! Now find out why! If someone chose not to buy from you, even better! Find out why!
Knowing what made someone trust you means you can build on this for the next customer. Same for those that haven’t, knowing the reasons for why someone buy a house from you means you can nullify this for the future and avoid it happening again.
All in all, it’s about the customer experience. From point A to point B you need to make your clients feel like they can trust you which means giving them a service like no one else can. Getting feedback is ultimately the best way for you to find out how you can do this.
You can win the trust of your potential buyers through knowing what they’re interested in and then selling the same customised offer. This inculcates in them the idea that their preferences matter to you, and they automatically start trusting you.
You have to think the other way round to know the answer. Why should someone buy from you? You have to provide them with a better customer experience than your competitors for a good value for money.
The trick is marketing, marketing and marketing. By marketing, we not only mean promotions and advertisements but positive word of mouth as well. Turning customers into brand advocates is a much better way to drive in more sales in less time.
NPS shows you how loyal your customers are. If you get a good NPS score, the likelihood of increasing potential buyers increases. The good news is, if you don’t get a good NPS score, you can still manage to increase sales by knowing what made your customers turn away from you. You can then work on making improvements and enhancing other customers’ experience.
Attracting buyers has been made super easy in this modern era packed with the latest technology offerings. Use social media to increase brand awareness, offer giveaways and discount offers, improve website and SEO, and engage with customers to increase loyalty to expect more referrals.