improve customer service
Improve customer service by avoiding these top 5 mistakes

Establishing a business and managing it is not a piece of cake. There are a lot of factors that have to be taken care of when wanting to promote your business and flourish it. A company can only grow if With technological advancement and globalisation, the business market has become

customer experience trends 2020
Top Customer Experience Trends of 2020

If you want to continuously improve your customer experience to keep up with your customer expectations, then ignoring the upcoming, hottest trends in customer experience is not an option for you. The way we define customer experience is going to change in 2020, primarily driven by the rapid advancements in

automated customer feedback
4 Powerful Reasons to Use Automated Customer Feedback Now!

Improving CX Through an Automated Customer Feedback System Customer Experience (CX) is a hot topic in today’s business landscape. According to Forbes, only 36% of companies cared about their customer experience in 2010, but now that number has risen to a staggering 89%! Companies are identifying CX as a surer

5 Things Customers Value most in CX 1
5 Things Customers Value most in CX

In today’s competitive business landscape, customers have more options and greater expectations than ever before. The only way to stand out from competitors is by knowing what things customers value most in CX and then fulfilling their needs. The last step then is to go above and beyond, making sure

Your Step by Step guide to Handling Unhappy Customers

It may sound crazy, but what if I told you that your best feedback actually comes from your most unhappy customers? What if I told you that these chronic complainers could actually be the source of your most loyal customers? Well, you probably wouldn’t believe me but it’s actually true!

Why keeping your team motivated is critical to delivering memorable customer experiences!

When it comes to delivering memorable customer experiences, it all comes down to the people within your business. To continuously deliver a wow customer experience your whole team must be engaged in making a positive impact on every single customer. The good news is that if your team is motivated,

GroHawk - Destop with City
How to deliver WOW Customer Experience?

What is a WOW Customer Experience? The smell of brand new product, the ambiance and atmosphere, a sales rep who is eager to help with a smile on their face… all these are the attributes of a good in-store experience.  Even if you have no intention of buying something, if

3 tips to drive new referrals for your business today! 2
3 tips to drive new referrals for your business today!

“The best customer service I’ve ever had”, “They helped me find exactly what I needed” “I’d definitely recommended them” We can all agree these kind of reviews are music to our ears. Achieving such positive reviews is every business’ goal because we know that  good referrals have a huge impact

How Live Chat can boost your Customer Experience 3
How Live Chat can boost your Customer Experience

Ever been through the painful experience of searching for support for an issue only to come across a fixed set FAQs not tailored to your problem? Are your customers feeling the same pain? Use this guide to understand how to effectively implement a live chat for customer support. Why is

5 reasons why you should use NPS! 4
5 reasons why you should use NPS!

In 2003 Bain & Company created the Net Promoter Score to help companies measure and evaluate customer loyalty. It uses the question ‘how likely are you to recommend to a friend or colleague’ as a proxy to effectively monitor the impact of their customer experience strategies.  Here are our top

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